When breast health researcher Deirdre McGhee recently worked one-on-one with 91 of the world’s top 140 female tennis players, she asked them to do something unusual.
They were asked to run on a treadmill in front of a mirror and look at their breasts.
What they saw shocked them all.
“None of the athletes had ever looked at their chests while running and they were surprised to see how much their chests moved and how unsupportive most of their bras were,” Dr. McGhee said.
“They couldn’t believe they had gotten to this level in their sporting career and it was the first time anyone had talked to them about their bras.”
Dr McGhee, from Breast Research Australia at the University of Wollongong, said most players were wearing bras that either fitted poorly or offered very little support.
“There is a lot of breast movement when a woman plays tennis: the more you run, jump and make vigorous movements of your upper limbs, the more your breasts will move.
“This movement can bring your shoulders forward, which is not good for overuse injuries, and the more you move, the more breast pain women experience.”
Putting pressure on sports brands
Dr McGhee was at the Miami Open tennis tournament in the United States this year as part of the Women’s Tennis Association’s Women’s Health Task Force.
She said some of the world’s biggest sportswear companies that sponsored players had a responsibility not only to provide appropriate sports bras, but also to design outfits that could accommodate them.
“Unfortunately, the bra is not even considered and most athletes and coaches do not consider the bra to be a piece of sports equipment,” Dr. McGhee said.
“These tennis uniforms that are sent to them are made and designed without the bra in mind, and many of the companies that sponsor them make good sports bras, so they can access them.
“They have to think about the bra when they design the dress or the tennis shirt.”
She said that if a bra was not included in an outfit, a player would often not wear one at all.
Chest injuries are possible in most sports
Dr McGhee has worked with female athletes in various football codes, as well as in cricket.
A recurring theme is that women are unaware of the dangers of not wearing a well-fitting, supportive sports bra.
“Every female athlete wears a sports bra and this is information that every female athlete needs to know as breast health topics extend to injuries and breast cancer awareness,” said Dr. McGhee.
“There are many sports where women are experiencing impacts to their breasts and they are not reporting it. Therefore, we are not monitoring it and treating it when we can.”
Advising the International Olympic Committee
Through his participation in the task force, Dr. McGhee was invited to advise the International Olympic Committee.
It will develop guidelines for women to return to sport after having a child and to manage their training during pregnancy.
“They were surprised at how much their breasts changed after having a baby and how the bra they wore before this pregnancy probably didn’t fit afterward.
“Women love their breasts…babies love women’s breasts, so we have to take care of them.”