Temple of renowned international tennis pam shriver serves good news.
Shriver, 22 times double champion and current espn commentator, revealed that she had recovered her Grand Chelem trophies which was stolen inside his Dodge Durango Hellcat earlier this month after his family was forced to evacuate their house in Brentwood, California Pacific Palisades Wild Fire Rage, burning more than 23,000 acres since January 7.
“Good news on my trophies (and family photos) – The detective LAPD in charge of the investigation has them at the printed police station,” wrote Shriver on Friday, Friday, addition“Today has the impression that we have won another adult!”
Good news on my trophies (and family photos) – The detective LAPD in charge of the investigation has them in the printed police station. It’s too long a story for a post. We always hope to find Black Dodge Durango Hellcat in one piece. 🙏
– Pam Shriver (@phshriver) January 28, 2025
Shriver said 11 of his main trophies – Five American open trophies, five Garros Roland plates and an Australian open trophy – was at the back of the vehicle after his family fled to a hotel in Marina Del Rey, California.
“I don’t think that (thieves) meant to take the trophies. I doubt that they were the big tennis fans. They were just in the back”, “,” Shriver told the new local channel KTLA at the time. Family photos were among his property in the stolen car.
Friday, Shriver told Espn That the hotel staff found the trophies near the hotel on Monday morning. Surveillance images have shown that the equipment has been returned by someone driving a vehicle that “adapts, a little, to the description” of its stolen Dodge Durango Hellcat. She picked up the trophies at the police station on Tuesday after the detectives were digital, but her black vehicle remains missing.
“We always hope to find Black Dodge Durango Hellcat in one piece,” she wrote on X.
Shriver said she was delighted to be back in possession of her trophies. “It was not only a feeling for me. Trophies also have a fairly reasonable value,” she told ESPN. “I think that passing a word on the trophies helped recover them.”
Shriver and Martina Navratilova combined to form one of the most dominant female double teams in the history of tennis. They won 20 large chelems together, including seven open Australian titles (1982-85, 1987-89), five Wimbledon titles (1981-84, 1986), four American open titles (1983-84, 1986-87) and four French Open de France titles (1984-85, 1987-88). She also won the title of French mixed double of 1987 with Emilio Sánchez, the US Open with Natasha Zvereva in 1991, in addition to the Olympic gold medal with Zina Garrison during the Seoul summer games 1988.
“It’s just great !!!! Well done the police !!!” Navratilova responded to Shriver on X.
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This article originally appeared on USA Today: Pam Shriver recovers the Tennis Trophies of the Grand Slam stolen in the middle of forest fires