The Multimodal Trails Discussion Group will revisit the controversial issue of marking golf cart trails in villages.
The group will meet at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20, at the Savannah Center. The meeting is open to residents.
The debate over trail centerline markings goes back at least a decade. Community Development District 4 has gone “rogue” and installed center stripes on its section of multimodal lane, prompting a visceral reaction from other CDD boards in Florida’s friendliest city. CDD 2 has finally joined and laid strips on the centre line. All other CDDs refused to lay strips on their sections of the multimodal path.
Many officials and residents have argued that the center lane markings help keep the thousands of villagers who drive golf carts on the multimodal paths safe every day. They also say the markings are especially helpful for navigating at night and during rainstorms.
Opponents of tracing argue that it is an unnecessary expense that would not improve security. Moreover, they argue that CDDs 2 and 4 contravene the sacred idea of preserving “continuity” in villages.
Even today, the topic of striping is so radioactive that the Multimodal Paths Discussion Group has only four official members:
• CDD 4 President Cliff Wiener, who chairs the group and has tried to resurrect it.
• CDD Supervisor 1 Bill Jenness.
• CDD Supervisor 2 Jim Cipollone.
• Sandy Mott, member of the approval authority committee.
Other CDD supervisors declined to participate in the discussion. However, it is very likely that you will see non-participating CDD supervisors sitting in the audience, observing the discussion.
Are you in favor of road markings for multimodal lanes? Share your opinion on [email protected]