Last month, a word emerged that ESPN and the NFL resumed talks concerning an acquisition of NFL Media. This week, the first prize appeared.
Via Brendon Kleen from, Andrew Marchand from said this week On his podcast that the number will be up to $ 2 billion. The League could also emerge with a property participation in ESPN.
It doesn’t matter if NFL’s media assets are really as much money in a strict accounting analysis, everything is precisely what anyone will pay for this. And since this decision would also serve as insurance against non-development in the next wave of dissemination rights, this could be well spent money.
Streaming companies become more active – and with Netflix Apparently hoping for a big splash – One of the distribution partners with three existing letters could end up soil.
Really, how could the League leave ESPN / ABC at the altar for football Monday evening or another package, if ESPN has and operates NFL Network (and other properties) and if the league has a piece of ESPN?
An agreement was tight last May. And then that didn’t happen. And then he was armored. Now it could be close to boiling.
To date, only ESPN has been identified as a serious candidate to make the purchase. Given the potential link between the purchase of NFL media and the guarantee of a continuous NFL game offer, it is surprising that more networks are not in hunting.