Yahoo Sports Jason Fitz reacts to Celtics beating the Lakers and what a potential injury to LeBron James could mean going forward.
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One of the biggest rivalries of all sports was exhibited on Saturday, and I’m not talking about Duke, in North Carolina.
Celtics, Lakers in a battle that many thought could be an overview of the NBA finals.
No lack of respect in Cleveland and Oklahoma City.
I understand that they are leading their respective conferences, but it is n ° 2 against # 2 in a team of Lakers that came on a sequence of 8 consecutive victories with the Celtics team which absolutely extinguished the lights.
So what did it mean for this game?
Well, the first half, all the stars appeared.
It was all we could hope for it could be and it was a back and forth confrontation.
But the third trimester exploded this thing.
The Celtics outstripped Lakers 29-13 in the third quarter.
It looked like it was going to be an absolute eruption.
They are standing up to 22 years old.
But the Lakers came to scratch and claw.
They obtained this game at one figure, but they could not do it completely.
They end up losing with 10.
Important things have happened in there.
The game, the least of which was Jason Tatum who left 40 points, 12 plates and 8 assists, dominating absolutely throughout the game.
And for the Lakers, while for a while, it seemed to be going back and forth and they could make their stars against the stars of the Celtics and follow.
In the 4th quarter, it took a huge blow because their return was climbed when LeBron James left the match with what is currently known as a groin injury.
No idea what it means.
For him, he goes ahead, but he could not come back and without him, the Lakers could not fill the gap more than they did.
To move forward, it will have to understand what to do with the health of their stars.
All Good feels for the victory sequence they have had.
But currently, leaving this loss, looking at Luca filling Hobble throughout this game and realizing that LeBron will never come back, the concern will suddenly become panic if the Lakers do not have their superstars to move forward.