NBA Writer Chris Mannix and Sports Illustrated launch their first-ever podcast tour with his show Crossing. Mannix detailed the tour and discussed the process with The Big Lead.
Mannix wanted to think of a way to take podcasting to the next level and the idea came to him at the end of the NBA season. He is a big fan of political podcasts and finds the live audiences they attract intriguing. He notably mentioned the popular Save America Pod podcast as an example. This was an area he felt was lacking in sports podcasts, especially those focused on the NBA. Combining that with his constant observation of fans talking and debating every NBA topic in bars during the offseason led to this decision: “I want to bring that type of discussion and debate live,” he said. -he explains.
“That led me to focus on a podcast tour in the Northeast, hitting the cities of Boston, DC, Brooklyn, and then Philadelphia. Each event will be very focused on a local topic,” Mannix said. “It’s going to start with a roundtable discussion that I’m trying to load with local NBA writers who work in this state, with a few national guys sprinkled in.”
Mannix added that he is currently focused on adding a “high energy” personality to each show. He works with teams to engage players, general managers and coaches.
He hopes to attract about 100 sports fans to these venues with tickets priced at $10 to $15. The idea is to create a bar-debate atmosphere.
“I want the public to be involved and engaged,” Mannix said. “One of the parts being a question and answer session where fans can make their voices heard. Some of these venues will be in bars, so I want it to be a fun experience.
Mannix spoke more about his goals for the tour: “I don’t know yet how I’m going to measure the success of those. I guess knowing that people had a good time? I’m not trying to make real money with this. Rather, I’m trying to see if there’s an appetite for this sort of thing in the live event space. This is my trial balloon.
“Yes, I’m going to host this event, but the only time I want to look like a host is when I’m moving from one topic to another. I want the fans’ voices to be heard. Back-and-forth exchanges are essential.
Mannix concluded: “To be honest, Bobby, I’m a little nervous about it, but, at the same time, incredibly excited.”
The tour, which will also be recorded, kicks off in Boston at the Harp on October 2. The next day he will be in Washington, DC, at the Draft House. The third show will take place at the Barclays Center at the 40/40 Club on October 4. The final podcast will take place a few days later, on October 7, at the Improv Theater in Philadelphia. Links to tickets will be available later this week.